
& Actions

Dense Universe allows data analysis using a custom-built CRUD application, with smart-search, query builder and data import-export capability. Universe can connect to MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Access, DB2, PostgreSQL, Informix, SQLite, any ODBC complaint database.

Dense Action provides simple workflow management capability using database views. Comes with email (Outlook/SMTP), SMS integration, full support for REST API and very intuitive CAI (Change-Approve-Implement) methodology. 

Dense Universe and Action can be installed locally, on a shared server with PHP, or dedicated instance. The tools can be accessed trough browser. Additionally, all such apps can be packaged as Electron desktop app for easy access from Windows desktop.

Rapidense Suite

Dense Universe

A data exploration and analysis tool that connects to semantic layer of DW. Comes with time-slice based data visualization capability.

Dense Actions

Web-based workflow engine. All business processes are modeled using Change-Approve-Implement philosophy.

Rapid Reports

Simple reporting tool with cross-tab and drill-down reporting functionality. Can be used to make various types of charts for executive view.

Rapid Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets interface with Excel-based Pivot table. Generates scheduled reports (email/hotfolder) in PDF or Excel formats.

Digital Forensics

Tools to capture non-conformance to organisational goals against performance parameters.

Custom web-apps

Rapid development of data-driven Web-apps is possible with Change-Approve-Implement design and seamless spreadsheet import/export.


& Reports

Rapid Reports are developed using plain SQL. The report interface is visual and completed sing step-by-step wizard. Users can make canned-reports or live reports with drill-down capability. The reports can be exported to Word, Spreadsheet or PDF.

Rapid Reports is accessible through web-based interface and can also be accessed using Electron-based desktop app. The reports are fast, and easy to export. Users don't need to install any browser plugins.





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ABN 86 386 400 414